Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday's Schedule and MITF

Membership Committee Meeting - Jeanne
Pacific Coast Sectional Meeting - 8:30-12:00pm
Governing Council Meeting - 2-6pm
Athlete Alumni Dinner - 7-9pm

Friday we will be getting down to business. I'm excited for some fireworks. From what I've experienced so far this year seems pretty tame. Most of the major issues already have momentum to pass but we'll see how that works out. I was especially surprised that almost everyone in the room for the presentation of MITF seemed to be in favor of the changes. The only concerns from the crowd were centered around the timing of implementation (Sept 1st, 2010) and educational programs for judges and coaches (to be done in the fall of 2009). Participants felt it would be better to have a big push in education in Spring 2010. That way people could finish up the competitive season and then focus on the new moves for Spring and Summer giving them time to get ready for tests after Sept 1.

More tomorrow.

"Skating is not stressful, it is a privilege"

Day one was spent in seminars gathering information to be brought back for the SMISC's benefit.  First up for me was the parents meeting.  A few very important points were stressed by the speakers:
1) It is important to have communication with parents from the very beginning.  As soon as a parent steps into the rink with a tiny tot skater, lines of communication between the rink, club, coach and so on must be created.
2) Skating is not stressful, it is a privilege.  This is important for each skater to keep in mind, and just as important for each parent to remember.
3) Skating is not about winning, it is about feeling satisfied in what you have accomplished out on the ice.  

Next up was: Real Programs that Work
Seven different speakers from various clubs around the country showcased various programs that they have successfully done.  My personal favorites included the "big buddy idea", where younger skaters were paired with a more advanced skater, the "gong event" done in Wyoming, and the basic skills competition series done in Michigan.

Finally, the highlight of the day was the Moves in the Field Changes meeting.
Presented to a packed crowd, the new MIF were explained in great detail.  First, each of the changes to existing moves was outlined.  Second, the new moves were showcased via video.  Third, implementation across the country was discussed.
Questions arose primarily about implementation in regards to judges, coaches, trial judges, and skaters.  The whole presentation was very informative and well put together by those on the new MIF task force.
By this time Saturday we will know if they have passed!

Tomorrow promises to be a big day with Sectional Meetings, the beginning of Governing Council and the Athlete Alumni Dinner.  

I'm off to bed for now!  

More on Day One...

Day one was quite informative and as always a great learning experience. Thursday is traditionally the seminar day, and no matter how well informed you are about a subject, here you will learn something new. My main focus today were the IJS and Moves In The Field Seminars. The IJS seminar was very good and useful to coaches, skaters, and parents alike, though I was a bit disappointed that they did not include ice dance in today's session. The highlight of the day was attending the Moves presentation in which the new MITF proposal was presented and discussed in detail. The taskforce led by Wayne Hundley has done a magnificent job at thinking through the changes that will propel our skaters forward in accordance with the evolution of figure skating. At the conclusion of the seminar I was fully convinced that the proposed changes are for the better.

On a side note, our club delegates are all coordinated to spread the responsibilities of covering all seminars to prepare full reports for the Board of Directors and the general membership. This is a special year for our Club, because we will be recognized for our 75th anniversary as a US Figure Skating club, two of our national judges, Ms. Marilyn Whelan and Mr. Howard Taylor, will be recognized for their 50 years of service as judges, and our fellow club member and Olympic Champion, Kristy Yamaguchi, is the guest of honor and speaker at the traditional Friday night athlete's dinner. I am grateful to be here and feel honored to be in the company of my fellow club delegates. More later...Kianoosh

Day One--Susan Bonn

Once again the information from Governing Council was an overload of information. I began my first session with an "Introduction to Judging" I have always thought I would like to explore judging, but somehow was not able to figure out how to get started. This seminar was just what I needed! It walked us through every step on getting started and we even had a little practice-by video. I know it is a long road, but at least I now how to get started. I am really looking forward to this new endeavor.

Next we went to Program Development and talked about Scholarship programs and another one of my favorites--Theatre on Ice. The more I learn about TOI the more it becomes a reality that we can accomplish-at least in my mind. I believe this is a program that would definitely benefit a great deal of our members and add quite a few opportunities to grow.

My third workshop was "programs that work". There was lots of info about Basic Skills Programs and Bridge Programs. These are both are areas where SMISC could develop within the community and increase our presence in the area. It would also create some opportunuties for SMISC to develop programs in conjunction with other local clubs.
The longest session has been about the upcoming changes in the moves in the field. People are hesitant to make these changes.
We are off to the round table discussions and will be done for the day.

Survival of the Skating Parent

Hello from Buffalo......

One of the first meetings of the day was "Survival of the Skating Parent." It was presented by Kelly Rippon who is a motivational speaker and a life coach. She also happens to be the mother of six children, one of whom is Adam Rippon our current Junior World Champion. She had a very interesting perspective on parenting a skater.

She said that parents should feel satisfaction in their role of 'driver'. She meant this literally and figuratively. The skater can't physically get to the rink without someone driving the car. She also felt they were a "driving" force behind the skater.

Kelly spent time on teaching parents never to phrase statements using the "WE" or "OUR" as the pronouns. That there is no "we are doing that competition" or "our new skates aren't finished'. Don't forget it's the skater who is doing the activity not the parent.

A great quote from Kelly was:
A parent steps in front of a child when bullets are flying but steps behind them when the spotlight shines.

Beil Wiley (Mother of Paul Wiley, Olympic Silver Medallist) also commented on that during parents education seminars that it is important not to make the parents feel that they must know all the ins and outs of the judging systems. Both Beil and Kelly likened this to someone practicing medicine without a license.

Next. Off to more seminars.

Day 1

Thursday, April 30
Intro to Judging- Judges School
Survival of the Skating Parent
Program Development
Understanding IJS
Real Programs that Work
Moves in the Field
Interclub Open Forum