Once again the information from Governing Council was an overload of information. I began my first session with an "Introduction to Judging" I have always thought I would like to explore judging, but somehow was not able to figure out how to get started. This seminar was just what I needed! It walked us through every step on getting started and we even had a little practice-by video. I know it is a long road, but at least I now how to get started. I am really looking forward to this new endeavor.
Next we went to Program Development and talked about Scholarship programs and another one of my favorites--Theatre on Ice. The more I learn about TOI the more it becomes a reality that we can accomplish-at least in my mind. I believe this is a program that would definitely benefit a great deal of our members and add quite a few opportunities to grow.
My third workshop was "programs that work". There was lots of info about Basic Skills Programs and Bridge Programs. These are both are areas where SMISC could develop within the community and increase our presence in the area. It would also create some opportunuties for SMISC to develop programs in conjunction with other local clubs.
The longest session has been about the upcoming changes in the moves in the field. People are hesitant to make these changes.
We are off to the round table discussions and will be done for the day.
Hi Susan, I appreciate that you're taking an interest in "Programs that Work"! And all that goes along with this concept. I'm in favor (and practice this concept), as an aficionado for Ice Dancing, the only way our little group survives despite alarming numbers in other areas of the country is the fact that communications paths are in place among clubs, rinks and skaters. There is room for improvement; but the tools are available to improve interactions beyond the national meetings. Organizations like CCIA, I feel could expand their focus beyond its judge location tasks. For me, the most difficult information to find is club and others skating meeting notes that are looking for ideas and input from their constituency. Thanks for your update. Don SMISC & BAID